Find the simple view of your complex life with Thrivner Planner, a project planner and daily task management app!
Thrivner Planner provides a personalized, color-coded view of your projects that shows you how much attention and energy are required today and throughout the week.
The visual display of big effort and small stuff together is a game-changer!
Project Planning
Enter your projects and assign colors so everything stays organized (work projects separate from home and family).
Enter your tasks and choose the urgency and effort it will take to complete (big things are big, small things are small).
Task Management
Add a checklist—either prebuilt or custom—to break down your tasks into smaller steps and to track the amount of effort required. Tasks can easily repeat: Enter your task once, choose how often it occurs, and count on it to appear as scheduled. And, when you’re ready to lighten the load, you can delegate to someone else via email or text.
Time Management
The Calendar view lets you see your projects overlaid with your appointments and meetings to show you know when you have time to work on projects. This is great for time-blocking!
With insights and inspirations you can see when you’re most productive, set aside the time you need to focus, and even find ideas for getting “unstuck.”
Rescheduling happens. If you have to move a task to another day, just drag-and-drop it into the new day at the bottom of the screen.
The Fine Print
Sync across devices
In-app customer support
Thrivner Planner Pro includes:
Unlimited sync among devices
Unlimited projects and repeating tasks
Unlimited search
Unlimited insight and accomplishments history
Privacy Policy:
Terms of Use:
In Thrivner Planner find the simple view of your complex life.